We're a Special Interest Group focused on competitive programming, as a part of CompSoc.
Competitive programming is a mind sport, where people compete against each other to solve some programming questions.
To become a member, simply join our discord server:
Our weekly problem-solving sessions are an opportunity for you to improve your skills and solve problems with like-minded people.
The problemset for a given week is available on our discord from the Friday of the previous week.
Members of our committee will be there to help you out should you get stuck on the problems.
Our weekly sessions are hosted every Wednesday 15:00-17:00. Next session: 22nd of January
You can find us in Appleton Tower, Room 5.07
Bring your laptop and charger, and some water to stay hydrated.
For more information about this and other events like socials, join our discord server.
Books & Guides | |
Competitive Programmer's Handbook | cses.fi |
USACO Guide | usaco.guide |
cp-algorithms | cp-algorithms.com |
Websites for Practice | |
Codeforces | codeforces.com |
Atcoder | atcoder.jp |
Kattis | kattis.com |
CSES Problemset | cses.fi |
We primarily communicate through our discord server, so if you don't want to know first about upcoming workshops, events and problem-solving sessions, join us here.